Dental crowns, or dental caps, are versatile restorations. This treatment is typically recommended to restore teeth which have sustained significant damage or decay. Dental crowns are custom made to fit over the entire visible portion of the tooth. The crown restores the appearance and shape of the tooth and protects it from further damage. Our office uses only tooth-colored materials, such as porcelain, when providing your dental crowns in order to fully restore your beautiful smile. Porcelain looks and feels like your natural tooth enamel, producing a beautiful, long-term result.

In addition to restoring a damaged tooth, our dentists may recommend a dental crown to:

Crowns typically require two appointments to complete. During the first of these appointments, our team will take impressions and prepare the tooth. The final crown will be placed during the second appointment. A temporary crown will be placed between these two appointments to protect your tooth while your final crown is being completed.

For more information about dental crowns and to schedule a consultation with our dentists, call our office today.